
I have worked on a few medium business size applications, I will outline them here.

⦿ Integrated Audit System

◦ The Stack: • Frontend: Web Application - JavaScript React • Backend: Web Server - NGINX Application Server - Express Javascript Persistent Storage - MSSQL

◦ Overview: A solution to better assist employees with tracking assets. Depending on permissions of the user's account the UI would conform vastly different experiences. The two experiences for users was to be an asset manager or auditor. Asset managers would be presented with their site's (collection) of audit records with a suite of tools to analyze the given data, this would include ranging location, time frame charts, and graphs. Auditors would be greeted with an additional login page to authenticate and enable Service Now integration. This would provide auto filling location, feedback on scanned assets, and general historic assets of locations to aid auditors on generality of what a location would contain.

• Repo: GitLab

⦿ Campus Health Check System

◦ The Stack: • Frontend: Web Application - React Javascript • Backend: Web Server - NGINX Application server - Express Javascript - Application server Receiver and Reports Persistent Storage - MongoDB replicas • All above architecture is containerized.

◦ Overview: A responsive, near live visualization of a locations Windows machines. The web application assists end users in creating groups and sub groups of machines based on physical location. In brief, machines belong to a room, a set of rooms belong to a building and a group of buildings belong to a site. This assist with visualizing location specific statistics and status of a physical location. Visualization is handled through graphs, lists and colorized icons representing individual machines and their status, such as being powered on. This system receives machine information such as installed software, network information, bios and Windows information which is searchable and filterable by an authorized end-user. Persistent storage and reporting server are sequestered within their own vital network and only accessible via the receiver server.

• Repo: GitLab

More to come!!
